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LAST_RELEASE_DATE — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.Limon |
| |
Layer3D — class, package artcustomer.framework.engines.layers |
Layer3D : Stage3D Layer
Layer3D() — Constructor, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.Layer3D |
layer3dCreate — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.Layer3D |
| |
LAYER3D_CREATE — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.Layer3DEvent |
| |
layer3dDestroy — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.Layer3D |
| |
LAYER3D_DESTROY — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.Layer3DEvent |
| |
layer3dError — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.Layer3D |
| |
LAYER3D_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.Layer3DEvent |
| |
Layer3DEvent — class, package artcustomer.framework.events |
Layer3DEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, _layer3DIndex:int, error:String) — Constructor, class artcustomer.framework.events.Layer3DEvent |
layer3dSetup — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.Layer3D |
| |
LAYER3D_SETUP — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.Layer3DEvent |
| |
LayerErrorType — class, package artcustomer.framework.utils.consts |
LayerErrorType : Contains the description of the errors passed in the events of the Layers. |
LayerVideo — class, package artcustomer.framework.engines.layers |
LayerVideo : StageVideo Layer
LayerVideo() — Constructor, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
layerVideoAvailable — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_AVAILABLE — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
layerVideoBufferEmpty — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_BUFFER_EMPTY — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
layerVideoBufferFlush — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_BUFFER_FLUSH — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
layerVideoBufferFull — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_BUFFER_FULL — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
layerVideoChangeVolume — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_CHANGE_VOLUME — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
layerVideoDestroy — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_DESTROY — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
layerVideoError — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
LayerVideoEvent — class, package artcustomer.framework.events |
LayerVideoEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, stream:String, error:String, volume:Number) — Constructor, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
LayerVideoMetaData — class, package artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.tools.video |
LayerVideoMetaData : MetaData for StageVideo Layer
LayerVideoMetaData() — Constructor, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.tools.video.LayerVideoMetaData |
layerVideoMetaDataReceived — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_METADATA_RECEIVED — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
layerVideoOnStream — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_ONSTREAM — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
layerVideoPauseStream — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_PAUSESTREAM — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
layerVideoPlayStream — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_PLAYSTREAM — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
LayerVideoPosition — class, package artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.tools.video.consts |
LayerVideoPosition : Position of the LayerVideo. |
LayerVideoRatio — class, package artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.tools.video.consts |
LayerVideoRatio : Define ratio for LayerVideo
layerVideoReady — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_READY — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
layerVideoRender — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_RENDER — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
layerVideoResumeStream — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_RESUMESTREAM — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
LayerVideoScaleType — class, package artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.tools.video.consts |
LayerVideoScaleType : Define type for resize LayerVideo with scale
layerVideoSetup — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_SETUP — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
layerVideoStopStream — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_STOPSTREAM — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
layerVideoStreamNotFound — Event, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.LayerVideo |
| |
LAYERVIDEO_STREAM_NOT_FOUND — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.LayerVideoEvent |
| |
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.engines.layers.tools.video.consts.LayerVideoPosition |
| |
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.utils.consts.LogoPosition |
| |
LEVEL_DEBUG — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.debug.console.ConsoleLog |
| |
LEVEL_DEFAULT — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.debug.console.ConsoleLog |
| |
LEVEL_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.debug.console.ConsoleLog |
| |
LEVEL_INFOS — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.debug.console.ConsoleLog |
| |
LEVEL_WARNING — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.debug.console.ConsoleLog |
| |
Limon — class, package artcustomer.framework |
Limon : Contains information about the framework. |
load() — method, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.medias.AbstractLoadableAsset |
Start loading. |
load() — method, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.medias.AnimationAsset |
Start loading. |
load() — method, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.medias.ImageAsset |
Start loading. |
load() — method, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.medias.Object3DAsset |
Start loading. |
load() — method, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.medias.SoundAsset |
Start loading. |
load() — method, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.medias.TextAsset |
Start loading. |
LoadableAssetEvent — class, package artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.events |
LoadableAssetEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, asset:artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.medias:AbstractLoadableAsset, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number, progress:Number, error:String) — Constructor, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.events.LoadableAssetEvent |
LOADING — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.consts.AssetLoadingStatus |
| |
loadingClose — Event, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.AssetsLoader |
| |
LOADING_CLOSE — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.events.AssetsLoaderEvent |
| |
loadingComplete — Event, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.AssetsLoader |
| |
LOADING_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.events.AssetsLoaderEvent |
| |
loadingError — Event, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.AssetsLoader |
| |
LOADING_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.events.AssetsLoaderEvent |
| |
loadingProgress — Event, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.AssetsLoader |
| |
LOADING_PROGRESS — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.events.AssetsLoaderEvent |
| |
loadingStart — Event, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.AssetsLoader |
| |
LOADING_START — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.events.AssetsLoaderEvent |
| |
loadPolicyFile(url:String) — method, class artcustomer.framework.context.ServiceContext |
Load policy file (XML Crossdomain). |
loadQueue(id:String, description:String) — method, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.AssetsLoader |
Load queue. |
log(value:any, level:String, displayTime:Boolean, header:Boolean) — method, class artcustomer.framework.debug.console.ConsoleLog |
Write data in Console. |
log(value:any, level:String, displayTime:Boolean, header:Boolean) — Static Method , class artcustomer.framework.debug.console.ConsoleLog |
Write log in Console (static method). |
LogoPosition — class, package artcustomer.framework.utils.consts |
LogoPosition : Position of the Logo. |
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