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FAILED — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.consts.AssetLoadingStatus
file — Property, interface artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.core.IAsset
_file — Property, class artcustomer.framework.loaders.assets.medias.AbstractLoadableAsset
FileTools — class, package artcustomer.framework.utils.tools
FileTools : Tools for files.
FlashComponent — class, package artcustomer.framework.engines.component
FlashComponent() — Constructor, class artcustomer.framework.engines.component.FlashComponent
Constructor : Create a FlashComponent (called by FlashContext)
FlashContext — class, package artcustomer.framework.context
FlashContext : Context of the application (using Flash display list)
FlashContext() — Constructor, class artcustomer.framework.context.FlashContext
FLASH_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.utils.consts.ErrorName
FLASH_PLAYER — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.utils.consts.RuntimePlatform
focus() — method, class artcustomer.framework.context.InteractiveContext
When FlashPlayer receive focus.
formatToString(object:any, className:String, ... rest) — method, class artcustomer.framework.data.AbstractValueObject
Format to string.
formatToString(object:any, className:String, ... rest) — Static Method , class artcustomer.framework.utils.tools.StringTools
Format to string.
frameworkError — Event, class artcustomer.framework.context.InteractiveContext
FrameworkError — class, package artcustomer.framework.errors
FrameworkError(message:String, id:int) — Constructor, class artcustomer.framework.errors.FrameworkError
Throw a FrameworkError.
FRAMEWORK_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.events.ContextErrorEvent
FRAMEWORK_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.utils.consts.ErrorName
FULL_SCREEN — Constant Static Property, class artcustomer.framework.utils.consts.ContextDisplayState
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